What is Your Why? (Justin Casterline)
What is Your Why? (Justin Casterline)

Wellness Wednesday #3: Finding Your Why

Wellness Wednesday is a 5-15 minute "activity" each Wednesday that is aimed at exercising the mind in relation to the behaviors of well-being and mental health. Each activity will include practice for you to do during the week.

Finding Your Why (April 8, 2020)

We each have a WHY. Most of us live our lives by accident. Fulfillment comes when we live our lives on purpose. Knowing your WHY provides a filter through which you can make decisions, every day, to act with purpose.


  1. "Surround yourself with people who believe what you believe, then there will be trust, loyalty, fulfillment, and success""
  2. "Communicate from the inside out"
  3. "People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it! And what you do simply proves what you believe" -Simon Sinek


  1. Listen to the first 11 minutes of Simon Sinek's TED talk, How Great Leaders Inspire Action.
  2. Bonus Activity: Try the Friends Exercise to Test Your Why 

Even though he refers to organizations and businesses, finding your why can apply to all aspects of your life/all the hats you wear. In the upcoming week think about "what is your why". You can even try the Friends Exercise if you are having a hard time honing in on your why or if you want to see if your why is what others see as well. Remember your why is not what you do, it's who you are!

Wellesley Athletics strives for excellence at the conference, regional, and national levels, while providing opportunities for students to achieve their potential and learn the values of discipline, leadership, critical thinking, and responsibility to oneself and others.