Krista Dong '20 (Frank Poulin)
Krista Dong '20 (Frank Poulin)

Class of 2020 Athletics Senior Speaker | Krista Dong '20

Four years ago, as a way of further celebrating each class of graduating seniors, the PERA Awards Committee voted to add a senior speaker to the annual Athletics Awards celebration, allowing one member of the senior class to speak on behalf of their peers and highlight the experiences that had a positive impact on their time at Wellesley.

Speakers are self nominated and had to submit a copy of their speech in advance. We encourage all members of the Class of 2021 to apply to speak next year. From our finalists this year, the department selected Krista Dong (Soccer) to represent the Class of 2020.

WATCH: Krista Dong '20 delivers her senior speech to represent the Class of 2020.

I think it's strange to be writing a speech knowing that it will be published instead of read, but this unprecedented time is full of strange and different things. Time alone, time with family, and time on Zoom (ha. ha.) has given me space to reflect upon my almost four years at Wellesley––specifically my time within Wellesley Athletics and how the student-athlete experience has intimately shaped both my college experience and my character.

When I think of my teammates and coaches past and present, Wellesley Athletics, and the PERA Department as a whole, my gut reaction is a feeling of complete and utter gratitude. I am grateful for the challenges that come with being a part of a team, thankful for the new perspectives, understanding, patience, and love that is learned. This community and the pillars of support built through practices, games, study sessions, team traditions, and so much more are what get me through the day-to-day grind of working and studying at home. I know that because of our grit and resilience, we are capable of finding a balance between working hard and knowing that we can pause for a moment––or longer.

I am so grateful to have met and known some of the PERA leadership. It is unique to have people so wholly invested in your wellbeing, an attitude adopted by a department that bleeds Blue every day they come into the office (and for many, it bleeds into their weekends too). I would give a lot to say hi to Kathy, Bruce, and Emma at the front desk right now or to pop my head into the ATR and see Niki and Autumn taping ankles. I wish I could pass through the office space upstairs and bother Miles through his window. And while working in the Fitness Center is arguably one of the easiest jobs on campus, I never thought I'd miss that part of my routine, the interactions with other students, staff members, and best of all, Tim, quite like I do now. 

Great work has been done in regard to diversity and inclusion within athletics, and these accomplishments should and deserve to be celebrated! However, we must continue to progress and change. We as a community must have no tolerance for transphobia, racism, and classism. When thinking about our teammates and siblings, I encourage all of us to critically examine our own individual efforts to be allies and commit to making our spaces accessible, welcoming, and supportive.

To my (red hot) senior class, I know this is less of a hard goodbye and more of soft see-you-later––still incredibly painful, but something to look forward to. I think especially of the spring seniors who didn't get to say goodbye to a sport and team that has meant so much over the years; my heart breaks for you and for the lack of closure you received. Though our collective time was cut short, I know that it is in our culture to come back stronger and more committed following a setback like this.

Continue to hold your friends, family members, and loved ones close––after all, we are only a Zoom call away. And when we return in the fall (or whenever it is), hug these people even tighter knowing that the time we get at Wellesley, for all its ups and downs, is both finite and incredibly special. 

Go Blue.

Krista Dong '20
Wellesley College Soccer
Class of 2020