O'Connor Closes Squash Season at CSA Individuals

O'Connor Closes Squash Season at CSA Individuals

AMHERST, Mass. -- Wellesley College sophomore Rosemary O'Connor closed out the 2011-12 Blue squash season with an appearance at the College Squash Association Individual National Championships.

O'Connor drew tough opponents in each of her matches, playing competition from #3 Trinity and #12 Bates. She was paired with Bate's Myriam Kelly in the first round, falling 11-4, 11-7, 11-5. In her final match, O'Connor played Trinity's Andrea Echeverria, fallin 11-8, 11-6, 11-4. 

The Blue squash team end their campaign with a 12-15 dual meet record and a #23 national ranking in the CSA. Wellesley's 2011-12 win total was the most for the team since the 2002-03 season.