Head Lacrosse Coach Lauren Schoenberger will attend the NCAA Leadership Academy Workshop this week in Washington, D.C.
Head Lacrosse Coach Lauren Schoenberger will attend the NCAA Leadership Academy Workshop this week in Washington, D.C.

Wellesley Lacrosse Coach Schoenberger To Attend NCAA Leadership Academy

WELLESLEY, Mass. -- Wellesley College Head Lacrosse Coach Lauren Schoenberger will attend The NCAA Leadership Academy Workshop this week, November 12-15, 2017, in Washington D.C.

Designed to educate and train athletics administrators on the ins and outs of developing effective, comprehensive leadership curriculum for student-athletes and department staff, the NCAA Leadership Academy Workshop allows participants to learn how to structure activities, facilitate discussions, and structure effective sessions. Schoenberger will also attend part two of the workshop that is scheduled to take place February 1-4, 2018, at the NCAA National Office in Indianapolis, Ind. 

One of the organizers of Wellesley's LeadBLUE Athletic Leadership Academy, Schoenberger has already facilitated the program's first session and hopes to add to the program through the NCAA's workshop. 

"I think this program will give us the tools to make our efforts as efficient as possible while providing a quality product that will enhance the experiences of our student-athletes here at Wellesley," said Schoenberger. "The workshop will also provide an opportunity to reflect on what we've done so far and give greater direction for where the future might take us." 

Over two sessions with the NCAA, Schoenberger will explore the ideal framework for a leadership academy, discuss the best practices for implementation, learn evaluation methods, and investigate the best strategies to obtain buy-in from key stakeholders and the campus community. 

"I hope to learn different strategies and methods for maintaining and enhancing our LeadBLUE leadership program," said Schoenberger. "I'm looking forward to talking with representatives from other institutions who are working towards similar goals on their own campuses." 
For more information on the NCAA Leadership Academy Workshop, visit ncaa.org.