Power Clean

Dec 17, 2018
*Starting Position* 1. Feet at Shoulder Width. 2. Sit and grab the bar with your butt slightly higher than your knees. 3. Back is straight at a 45 degree angle. 4. Your Hook Grip (Thumbs under your fingers) and hand placement should normally be outside of your thigh. (ARMS STAY LOOSE!). 5. Eyes fixated at 30 degrees (never look up) **Golden Rule** Shoulder over the bar, bar behind your toes. 1. Everything moves together! When you start, the bar, chest and hips goes up while your knee goes back (into that RDL position). The bar is staying close to the shins as possibles. 2. Keep that 45 degrees back angle until the bar passes your knees 3. Explode the bar up using your hips! Fast and Violent Hip movement (Dont swing your shoulders back). 4. Keep the arms loose and allow the bar to rise on its own. (Natural Arm Bend, Not Forced Arm Bend). 5. Catch the Bar on your shoulder with your elbows high with your thighs above parallel to the ground. **Key Points** Keep the Bar Close to your body! The bar will brush off your thigh when you explode the bar up as long as you keep it CLOSE!